TheElectronic Module S item with part number 5464-654-ESS by Woodward Inc currently in stock here on ASAP Sourcing Solutions. You have reached the quote request page for this 5464-654-ESS product, and you may fill out and submit the form provided below to receive a tailored solution for your comparisons in a matter of 15 minutes or less.
To ensure that this 5464-654-ESS part number is indeed the product you require, be sure to note that it is listed with the NSN 5963015311964 and falls under the FSC 5963 Electronic Modules . Additionally, this item was produced under the CAGE Code 31361 allowing you to identify the specific facility of Woodward Inc where this item traces back to. We supply expendable parts as well as ratable parts for civilian and military platforms. With over 5000 manufacturers and over 10 million parts, we are your one stop purchasing resource.
All rfqs are answered within 15 minutes by a live dedicated account manager 24x7/ 365.